Building Control Applications

Do you need help submitting a Building Control application in Northern Ireland?

Our team of experienced Architects can help you every step of the way, from the initial application to liaison with Building Control onsite.

We understand the complex building regulations in Northern Ireland, and we have a proven track record of success in getting Building Control approval for our clients.

Our Services

We offer a wide range of Building Control application services, including:

· Pre-application advice: We can help you to assess your chances of getting building control approval, and to identify any potential issues.

· Building control application preparation: We will prepare all the necessary documentation for your building control application, including drawings, plans, and advise on any specialist reports you may require. i.e., SAP Calculations and SBEM Calculations.

· Access to our network of consultants: We can put together and lead a team of professional consultants required for more complex projects. We have access to a large, local network of Structural Engineers, Civil Engineers, and Mechanical & Electrical Engineers.

· Assigned Certifiers: As members of the RIAI we can act as Assigned Certifiers in Ireland, with offices just north on County Monaghan, we can take charge of the BCAR process. The Assigned Certifier is the registered professional appointed to be responsible for overseeing the inspections and certification process in Ireland.

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Why Choose Us?

We are committed to providing our clients with the best possible service, and we will work with the local council to get your building control application approved.

If you are considering any type of building work in Northern Ireland, we strongly recommend that you use an Architect to help you submit the necessary Building Control applications. It is the best way to ensure that your project is completed safely and in accordance with the regulations.

Do you require the experience and expertise that we offer?

Contact Us Today